N 39°09,371´  E 23° 11,378´



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During the short time we have been here, we have seen lots of animals.  As we have them photographed, they will be presented here. There are more than you expect. And sometimes people find that there are too many.  Even one snake can be one too many.  For the time being we have great tits hatching in the olive shown on the picture above.


Amphibians and Reptiles

Here is an amphibian photographed on the terrace at broad daylight. Isn't it nice?










 This is a big picture but also a big turtle, found near Mads' olive.















And here Mette is holding the creature. We have never seen a bigger turtle in Greece. And it is the first one ,we see in Petraki.













Small things

Spider with offspring? Caught in its net in the olive just opposite the kitchen sink.

Seen "from below". Does it have eyes at the back of its head?








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