N 39°09,371´ E 23° 11,378´
Charity projects
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When the paradise is too boring. When the skin is too red. When the web is too developed. When you have finished surfing, sailing the cat, water-skiing etc. When your energy is too strong. Then this is a page for you.
Here you will find projects to start, in order to satisfy your need for action.
Out of pure charity we offer you the following projects:
an olive.
This means: Remove everything around the tree at a distance matching the diameter of the tree.
Remove all wild branches below. Per freed this tree.
Get firewood
Saw up firewood
stones here.
In the end we will put a layer of cement, and then we will have a fantastic terrace with a sunshade and a bar at the jetty.
Clean the speedboat.Inside and outside. Do not forget the bottom outside..
Polish Lady M. Get up early, before the sun is too strong and polish the boat, where it is needed.
Remove weeds, stones and lumps of earth from the roads of the property. They have to be maintained, you know. We have hoes, shovels and a motorised trimmer plus a lot of good pieces of advice.
Build your own road.When you have finished, you are wekcome to put up a sign, which shows that you are the road constructor.
Clean the terraces, before Mette does it
Clean the beach, before Mette does it.
Pick up fresh bread at 7:30 a.m. using the speedboat.
Use your imagination and think of something yourself.
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